My Labor Radio Podcast

My Labor radio is a voice for American working families. Based in Fort Wayne IN. We want Safe Workplaces. Unions give us a voice at work, collective bargaining, empowering people. Community Radio- WELT 95.7 FM

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My Labor Radio 3 13 19

Friday Mar 08, 2019

Friday Mar 08, 2019

Meet Allen County Indiana County Councilwoman Sharon Tucker. She is serving her second term and is also on the ballot this election cycle to be the Fort Wayne Indiana City Councilwoman for the 6th District. Learn more about Sharon as we talk for the entire hour of this episode. More episodes are located at  MyLaborRadio31319

My Labor Radio 2 27 2019

Sunday Feb 24, 2019

Sunday Feb 24, 2019

This episode has an interview of Attorney & Author Jon Karmel from Chicago. he is a Labor Lawyer who wrote the book Dying to Work: Death and Injury in the American Workplace. It also includes the rest of the Christopher Marinin interview where he talks about working in HR at JakPrints. Plus we rant about the mess that 45 has hatched in DC among other things. find us on the web at   

My Labor Radio 2 13 19

Sunday Feb 10, 2019

Sunday Feb 10, 2019

Welcome to the February 13 2019 edition of My Labor Radio. Our guest is Christopher Marinin from Cleveland Ohio, the interview starts about 18 minutes after the hour. We also cover politics in DC and Indianapolis. Specifically, the continued disrespect the GOP shows for Public Education and the awesome teachers who provide so much for our students. We talk Health Care for all and generally rant about the idiocy of the Trump administration, “hiring only the best people.” Find us on the web at  

My Labor Radio 1 30 19

Monday Jan 28, 2019

Monday Jan 28, 2019

My Labor Radio for January 30 & February 6th 2019. This show includes an interview with Neely Gevaart of Cleveland Ohio. Stories about the UTLA Teachers Strike in LA. The news on the Herocia Matamoros Mexico Labor dispute. Striking workers in the maquiladora, over 70,000 of them. Unpaid and underpaid US Congressional and Senatorial office interns. Union Myth Busting! Thoughts on the Donald Trump Mitch McConnell Government shutdown and more.  Find out more at  

My Labor Radio 1 16 19

Monday Jan 14, 2019

Monday Jan 14, 2019

So a lot to unpack in early 2019, the GOP is all wadded up about AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and her ideas. A strong woman with ideas is a fear of the GOP in Indiana and in DC. I think a big reason why AOC is so much better at politics than so many older, more experienced Democrats is that she's never known a world where Republicans aren't cartoonish villains who reliably act in bad faith. She treats them as what they are, the fools we all see them as. As we go into another week of a record-breaking Trump Gov Shut-down we want to be sure you understand that the Republican-controlled Senate could vote to reopen the government right now if they simply passed the exact same bill that they unanimously passed a few weeks ago. Senate Majority leader McConnell refuses to hold a vote. There is also new news in mid-January that President Trump is under a criminal investigation as he is an alleged asset of the Russian government. the fact that the rest of the GOP continues to protect him rather than the country, compounds the shocking nature of that story. Think about it. The president could be a Russian asset and they seek to cover it up to advance narrow partisan interests. The GOP in the state of Indiana, silent on this issue, the GOP in DC is silent on this issue, they are Appalling and Complicit. Ok back to the border wall, All they - the Senate- have to do is vote for a bill they already all voted for... The real border crisis is due to lack of resources to process asylum requests of thousands of mostly women and children coming to the U.S. to escape violence in Central America, under the legal immigration system. Fixing this would cost a fraction of the cost of building a wall. Trump using the word “strike” during this Trump Government Shut-Down. It is his way of trying to blame the government shut down on government employees and away from himself, even though he said the shutdown will be on him. As usual he refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Sarah Sanders tells Chris Wallace that DHS has apprehended 4,000 terrorists at the border, she is corrected by Wallace, that it is mainly at airports. It goes without saying, but if 4,000 terrorists were apprehended in airports (per SHS’s talking points), it might not be the best idea to withhold pay from TSA agents who, you know, protect airports. Robert Reich former Labor Secretary stated in early January. Trump's Wall and shutdown are more deflection, distraction, and division -- so we're not hearing about "Individual 1," Mattis resignation in protest, cabinet of lobbyists, Michael Cohen, more favors to Putin, Kim's nukes, trade wars. Trump plays the press like a grand piano. Steven Beschloss said this - Let's be clear: All Trump wants is to build his dumb wall. This is not responding to a crisis. This is not about border security. This is about feeding his own ego & building a monument for himself. The impact on millions of Americans harmed by a shutdown? He could not care less. Mitch McConnell voted 6 times to raise his own pay and 15 times against raising the minimum wage. Kentucky has voted for him for 34 years making him the 11th richest senator, while Kentucky remains the 7th poorest state. Kentucky - PLEASE - repeal & replace McConnell in 2020... So here is the GOP plan for Government in 2019 - this is from NYT reporter Eric Lipton - As of Thursday, 1/3/2019 the DOD will be run by a former senior Boeing executive. EPA is run by a former coal lobbyist. HHS is run by a former pharmaceutical lobbyist. And the department of the Interior will be run by a former oil-industry lobbyist. Welcome to how the GOP wants to run government, right into the dirt. From Katie Rosa - “The guy who couldn't get a security clearance? The guy who became US citizen in 2012 and has worked ever since to dismantle our system of government? The guy that told a room full of Republicans that "Liberals have no idea how much we can hurt them?" Fu** that guy. From Nate Lerner 1/2/19 Trump & Republicans had 2 years to pass meaningful legislation, but all they did was give a massive tax break to corporations, which benefited only executives & investors, not the workers. Time for the party with actual ideas & policy solutions to take over. #BlueWave2020 Republicans just officially ended the 3-year-long investigation into Hillary’s emails. They found nothing & wasted millions. In half the time, Mueller has already brought over 200 criminal charges against 38 people/organizations. AND he recouped $48 million for the government. 45 ended 2018 by calling it “The year of the worker” Wrong again. Wages have gone nowhere, adjusted for inflation. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Unions are under attack. The only people who have done well are the Wall St. investors and corporate execs who’ve padded their nests with bonuses and buybacks.

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